2.0 version in progress

I’m an engineer, a doctor, and aspiring salesman or IT guy or innovation manager or big shot CEO.

I’m also a mountain hiker, salsa dancer, amateur investor, passionate reader and world (OK, mostly European) traveler.

And I write stuff since many years.

I’ve hand written lousy love letters to ex-girlfriends, pissed off PhD tutors by email, blogged already with a dear friend, annoyed known people with Facebook status posts and many more.

So today I open Petre-Pavlov-official blog on my brand new (or old?) domain. Proudly powered by these 2 little hands only, until it will grow soooo BIIIIIIIIG I will have to hire an entire staff and wear hats so people do not recognize me anymore.

The blog is structured around 3 areas of improvement in my life: Health, Wealth and Relationships. Almost every thought relates to one of these.

Maybe a spiritual area will appear soon. But it’s too soon and the concepts still need to be assimilated.

And one courses area, where hopefully what I can offer to the world will find the way to reach others.

So enjoy … hopefully. 🙂